West London Buddhist Centre
Upcoming events include:
- > Live with Confidence 6-week course on Buddhist ethics, Mondays 7-9.30pm starts 24th March
- > Mindfulness for Health course. 8 Tuesdays 1.00-3.30pm starts 1st April
- > Drop-in meditation: guided: Saturdays 10.30-12.30; unguided: Monday-Friday (online), Saturdays (silent)
- > Tuesday Night Meditation 7.15-9.30pm
- > Friday devotional evening (every 2nd and 4th Friday, 7.00-9.00pm): next 14th March
- > Sangha Work Days (every 4th Monday, 10.30am-4.30pm) next 24th March
- Please see the calendar for details and more.
Be part of our Survive and Thrive project. Click here. Set up a standing order or give a one-off donation here.
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- Sign up for our weekly Centre newsletter
- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Upcoming Events
View full calendarWe host a wide variety of events, courses, and retreats as well as regular drop-in classes.
Live with Confidence: 6-week course on Buddhist ethics
Monday 24th March at 7:00 pm
24 Mar
Breathworks Mindfulness for Health 8-week course
Tuesday 1st April at 1:00 pm
01 Apr
Trackless Expedition 17-20 April
Thursday 17th April at 3:00 pm
17 Apr
Meditation with Paramananda
Sunday 27th April at 10:30 am
27 Apr
Death Conversation Cafe
Sunday 27th April at 2:30 pm
27 Apr
Sangha Work Day
Monday 28th April at 10:30 am
28 Apr
Our Teachers
The WLBC has a talented and varied teachers team. Our meditation teachers are all thoroughly rooted in many years of Buddhist and meditative practice and are members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. Although each teacher has a different style, they are all very friendly and welcome people from various backgrounds and levels of experience.
Maitripushpa has been practising with Triratna since 1999 following years with the Soto Zen community and...
Ratnaprahba has been teaching and writing on Buddhism and meditation since his 1982 ordination to the...
Maitrikumara (‘prince of kindness’) is part of our Saturday meditation team and teaches on courses. He...
Amlanadhi was ordained in 2011 whilst working at Windhorse Trading, a Buddhist ‘right livelihood’ business, in...