West London Buddhist Centre

Poetics of Awakening – Wednesday

Published in Uncategorized

Day 4

28th September

‘We try to express our love for the world by sitting’

Buddha and lavendar


Session 1 – 9am


Talk by Paramananda

Cosmic Meditation led by Paramananda

Short break

Short meditation led by Paramananda (breathing into and through the heart)





To follow the way is to study the self
To study the self is to forget the self
To forget the self is to be illuminated by the myriad of things
To be illuminated by the myriad of things is to move beyond any idea of attainment
To move beyond any idea of attainment is to follow the way.

— Dogen



Out beyond ideas
of wrong doing and right doing
there is a field
I will meet you there.
When the soul lies down
in that grass
the world is too full
to speak of
ideas, language even the notion
one another
makes no sense. 

— Rumi


Session 2 – 3.30pm


Meditation led by Paramananda

Q & A with Paramananda







Session 3 – 7.30pm


Reflections on Paramananda’s talk

Just sitting

Sevenfold Puja led by Bodhilila and Ratnadeva

With Tara mantra led by Ratnadeva

Heart Sutra read by Ratnadeva

Padmasambhava mantra led by Bodhilila






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Revive and recharge yourself as we move into autumn/winter. Go on retreat 1-3 November. More info here. Book here.
