West London Buddhist Centre


Published in teachers, WLBC Teachers, WLBC team


Amalavajra brings a wealth of life and Triratna right livelihood experience to the WLBC. After a short stint in his mid-20s as a bond dealer in the City of London, he worked for years for Karuna Trust and then for the past 11 years for Future Dharma Fund. He was ordained in 2005, has a Masters in Charity Marketing and Fundraising and has lived for many years in various Triratna men’s communities.

Amalavajra became our Mitra Convenor in early May 2024. Working Monday-Wednesday, Amalavajra will be leading various courses, retreats and classes, including Dharma Night (from 14th May), meeting up with people and generally spreading his infectious good humour, ideas and energy to all of us.

Join us Sunday, 8th Sept for a day of alchemy as Padmasambhava teaches us about our own self-transformation. More info here.
