West London Buddhist Centre

Thank you from Ratnadeva

Published on Sep 19th 2024, in Blog

12 September, Willand, Somerset
Greetings from my tent in a field in Somerset, where the Buddhafield ecodharma mini-festival, the Green Earth Awakening, is in full swing. I’ve been enjoying doing Dharma input and rituals for the
set-up crew here over the past week. It’s been a joy to be camping in a field this past couple of weeks during which time summer has pivoted into autumn, bringing lots of rain, strong winds and
noticeably cooler temperatures. Invigorating!

I’m finally getting down to writing to you wonderfully generous members of the WLBC sangha who so kindly contributed to my Just Giving leaving pot. It meant a huge amount to me to receive such a handsome sum on my departure. What meant even more to me was the appreciation of my input to the WLBC over the five years of my time at the Centre, which this generosity displayed. In all my jobs, in all my years, I have never  experienced such a gracious token of appreciation. I have been greatly moved.

I also received many cards and presents on the occasion of my leaving do at the Centre in April. I have carried them all with me on my travels with the firm intention to thank everyone individually. However, I still haven’t managed to do this in the past four months of wandering. I have found that my current itinerant life and personal admin don’t go together easily – apologies! I still intend to get around to doing this, but meanwhile I want to thank everyone who came to my very enjoyably memorable leaving do and everyone who gave me cards and gifts. Many thanks to you all!

Since leaving London in ApriI, I have had the privilege of co-leading a swathe of Buddhafield retreats. Particular highlights have been the Yatra pilgrimage to Glastonbury, the Total Immersion
with Paramananda and the Kinship with All Life animism retreat that took place in Dartmoor a couple of weeks ago. My time at the WLBC and the experience this gave me of leading meditation,
retreats, courses and study have all stood me in good stead during these retreats. I will be forever grateful for this formative experience. In between events I’ve enjoyed staying at various hospitable
halts, such as Sagaravajra’s East Devon Forest Garden, Lokabandhu’s field at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, various beaches on the South West Coastal Path, meditating by the sea to the
sound of the lapping waves.

My plan is still to head to Ireland at the end of October. I don’t yet know where I’ll settle or what I’ll do for a living, so a big adventure awaits me there. My hope is to find a context in which I can
continue the joyful task of communicating the Buddha’s teachings, a prospect which excites me greatly.

I know that the WLBC has been through many challenges since I left in April, including the sudden and tragic loss of Tarakarunya, Bodhilila’s and Kamalashila’s ill-health, the flooding from the burst
mains and the attendant financial difficulties. However, I also know that there is an amazing team of committed and talented people who are leading and supporting the efforts to turn things around.
I am confident that the WLBC is in good hands for it’s continued mission of communicating the Dharma and building Sangha in West London.

Long may you thrive!

Much love,
Ratnadeva x

from the WLBC Newsletter, 19 September 2024
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