West London Buddhist Centre

Loo roll and you

Published on Oct 3rd 2024, in Blog

Loo roll and you

How many rolls of toilet paper
will keep you safe?
How many bottles of Purell?
How much peanut butter or pasta,
bread or beer?
How much money will make you secure?
Ten thousand? A million?
A billion and a yacht?
At what point do you say
“I have what I need”?
Ask the Buddha. He says
“It is the nature of all things to change.
It is the nature of all beings to suffer.
It is the nature of all beings to die.”
How many rolls will make you safe?
Wouldn’t it be better if you, yourself,
were multi-layered, and soft, and strong?
                                           –Lynn Ungar

With a bow


from the WLBC Newsletter, 4 September2024
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