West London Buddhist Centre

Amalavajra becomes chair of WLBC

Published on Oct 15th 2024, in News

AmalavajraWe are delighted to announce that Amalavajra has become the new chair of the West London Buddhist Centre. This followed consultation with our former chair Bodhilila, our President Subhadassi, the Leadership Team, sangha and the WLBC Trustees.

Amalavajra was introduced to Buddhism and meditation by Triratna Order members in 1995 in Kathmandu, Nepal, just before beginning work as a bond dealer. Three years later, he joined Karuna Trust, Triratna’s charity focusing on caste based poverty in South Asia, and trained as a fundraiser. Ordained in 2005, Amalavajra moved to Adhisthana, the Triratna centre in Herefordshire, in 2014  and helped to found FutureDharma, which funds the development of Triratna sanghas around the world.

I am very pleased to take on the role of Chair of the West London Buddhist Centre. Though the recent flood and sad loss of Order friends remind us of life’s precariousness, I am optimistic that we can rebuild and revitalise our centre. By deepening our own Dharma practice and friendships, especially through working together to create inspiring classes and retreats, we can help an ever-widening circle of people to free their hearts and minds. – Amalavajra

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