West London Buddhist Centre

*UPDATED* 17/2/2020 on Article in Observer 21.07.2019

Published on Jul 22nd 2019, in News

The Observer published an article, Buddhist, teacher, predator: dark secrets of the Triratna guru, on Sunday 21 July, 2019.

The Adhisthana Kula, a group of long-standing members of the Triratna Buddhist Order, has issued an initial response to the article, which includes a statement from Triratna’s overall Safeguarding Officer. It is available on The Buddhist Centre Online: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/news/initial-response-observer-article-critical-triratna

The Inter Kula, whose report the article mentions, have published a response to it on their own website: http://www.interkula.net/response-to-the-observer-article-21072019-from-the-interkula/

Check this page for further updates.




Bodhilila, the Chair of West London Buddhist Centre, will hold an open space for members of the Sangha and people who come to the centre on Monday 29 July, 7-9 pm for any issues related to the article and/or the responses to be discussed. Please note that Bodhilila will be away on retreat for most of August after that.


A further response to the Observer article from the Adhisthana kula: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/system/files/groups/files/further_response_from_the_adhisthana_kula_to_the_observer_article_july_2019_1.pdf


Update from the Adhisthana kula:



Update from the Adhisthana kula: A Message of Apology and Regret



Update on Next Steps, November 2019



A comment from the Triratna Buddhist Community regarding the Observer article of 16th February 2020



Further information:

Triratna Model Safeguarding Policies and Ethical Guidelines 2019: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/news/triratna-model-safeguarding-policies-and-ethical-guidelines-2019

Buddhist Centre Online: https://thebuddhistcentre.com

Triratna Controversy FAQs (Version 2.0, October 2018): https://thebuddhistcentre.com/controversy

(Version 2.0, October 2018)

Adhisthana: https://adhisthana.org/

The Adhisthana Kula: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/adhisthana-kula

Inter Kula website: http://www.interkula.net/

Inter Kula report: http://www.interkula.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Interkula-survey-report-final.pdf


For questions and concerns:

If you have any further questions which have not been addressed here, or feel personally affected by these issues, please feel free to contact one of the WLBC team. Alternatively, you can use the following emails:

For general enquiries: info [at] westlondonbuddhistcentre [dot] com

For safeguarding issues which are more sensitive and relate to the West London Buddhist Centre: safeguarding [at] westlondonbuddhistcentre [dot] com NB: This is a confidential inbox checked by the Centre’s Safeguarding officers, Prajñānītā and Ratnadeva.

Concerns or information regarding the ethical misconduct of members of Triratna in the past or present can email: safeguarding [at] triratna [dot] community, or raise a complaint with the Charity Commission.




Buddhist, teacher, predator: dark secrets of the Triratna guru



Chances to become more alive and less toxic, more whole and less fragmented: Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress 8-week course starts 26th Jan. Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
