West London Buddhist Centre

Golden-eyed fish

Published on Aug 22nd 2024, in Blog

Golden-eyed fish

People are here, they are gone. Communities thrive, they dissipate. A river roars mightily, it dries to a trickle.

The perpetual impermanence of meeting and parting is beautifully sung by Milarepa, 11th-12thC Tibetan teacher. Here are lines from this song which always move me to tears.

… Below in the Tsang River
Swim fish with golden eyes;
Their meeting and their parting
Mark the change of time.
Dear stream, be well and happy, for I,
The fish, am going to the Ganges for diversion.
May irrigators never drain you
May fishermen never net me
Inspired by the dharma
May we soon meet again
In prosperity and boon….

With a bow
with deepest respect to my mum, 23 June 1925-21 June 2024

See song 60 in 60 Songs of Milarepa for the full text

from the WLBC Newsletter, 26 June 2024
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