West London Buddhist Centre

Guess what?

Published on Sep 19th 2024, in Blog

Guess what?

Here’s the message that you’ve been waiting for…

We’re opening up next week!!!

Yes, it’s true! Thames Water has done their magic outside, Amlanadhi and so many of you generous helpers have done your magic inside, cleaning and decluttering. So…

we’ll be opening from Tuesday, 3rd September for a limited number of events.

Tuesdays from 3rd Sept: Dharma Night (7.15-9.30pm)
Sunday, 8th Sept: Padmasambhava Day
Saturday from 12th Sept: drop in meditations (10.30am-1230pm; 1.00-4.00pm)

Why the limit?

Well, due to the flooding damage on the lower ground floor, we will only be operating on the ground floor level for a few months at least. All events will be held in the yoga studio, now beautifully refashioned into our shrine room.

Gradually, we’ll be bringing back our courses, devotional sessions, yoga workshops and more. We’ll keep you informed.

Soon we will also be launching the next stage of our Survive and Thrive fundraising campaign. Watch this space.

With a bow

from the WLBC Newsletter, 30 August 2024
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