West London Buddhist Centre

Online Retreat: The Heart of Practice

Published in Uncategorized

 Day 4

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Resources for Day 4:


 ‘Let’s not reduce Mindfulness of Breathing to technique to get concentrated


Wednesday 8am

Welcome to Day 4
Salute to the Three Jewels
45 min unled meditation with bells marking 5 stages.




During the period of meditation there is not anything, it is simply open.’

Padmasambhava from Advice to the Three Fortunate Women


Wednesday 10.30am

Talk by Paramananda
Led unstructured Mindfulness of Breathing meditation
Lying down with drumming and mantra





I have had my dream–like others–
and it has come to nothing, so that
I remain now carelessly
with feet planted on the ground
and look up at the sky–
feeling my clothes about me,
the weight of my body in my shoes,
the rim of my hat, air passing in and out
at my nose–and decide to dream no more.
William Carlos Williams


Wednesday 4pm

More thoughts on Mindfulness of Breathing practice
Mindfulness of Breathing meditation in four stages led by Bodhilila
Q & A with Paramananda and Bodhilila
Green Tara mantra led by Paramananda






‘Since the tranquility of sunyata is the foundation, by forcefully turning your mind to emptiness, you chase misconceptions.
In the thoughts which arise, understanding will come without doing anything.’
Padmasambhava from Advice to the Three Fortunate Women


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Deepen your practice – join us for our Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
