West London Buddhist Centre

If not now, when?

Published on Oct 3rd 2024, in Blog

If not now, when?

One of the teachings from the pandemic is you never know how your life can change in an instant, whether by your choice or not.

That understanding holds quite a Buddhist flavour. Things are always changing, impermanent, who knows what is around the corner (or, in the case of our recent flood, under the street). Yet we still put off doing the things that truly matter – connecting with ourselves, others, the world around us – because ‘there will always be time’. When will we learn???

Going on retreat is a perfect case in point. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, sounds good, I’ll book one when I’ve got the space.” Space in our lives doesn’t just appear magically. We need to consciously create it. Listen to Amalavajra talk about how important it is to prioritise making space for ourselves – to stop, to reflect, to recharge – and a retreat is custom built just for that.

So your challenge today is to consciously create space. Choose to change your life. Right now! Book on our beautiful, wonderful, inspiring and re-energizing weekend retreat coming up very soon (20-22 September) led by Amalavajra and myself. Join the very few but very wise people who have already booked on it.

But if you don’t book by Monday, 16 September, we may have to cancel it. We can’t run it if we lose money or just break even.

Don’t disappoint the people who have already booked.
Don’t disappoint the part of you that needs that space.

Book today. Right here. Camping available. Lifts available (see here).

Oh, and in case I forgot to mention it, book today…
With a bow and hopes to join you on the retreat


from the WLBC Newsletter, 11 September 2024
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Learn to live Life with Full Attention on this 8-week mindfulness course. More info here. Book here.
