West London Buddhist Centre

In the waiting room

Published on Dec 5th 2024, in Blog

We spend so much time waiting. What will be the results of the….election, assessment (health, academic, business), peace negotiations, this year’s harvest, how many likes that Instagram post gets? And when we know the results, what will happen next? When/how/why will it get worse/better/stay the same?

Putting ourselves – our lives, our connections, our thoughts – on hold like that assumes a few things.
1: there will be a clear ‘result’ (this isn’t always the case).
2: whatever the result is, its effect is permanent, fixed, unchanging
3: that we will be alive to know when there is a result.

Don’t take anything granted. Especially your potential to change things (even when it feels hopeless), to change yourself (even after decades of running into the same cringe-making moments). And never, ever take for granted your next breath.

All things change. All things are impermanent. Get out of the waiting room. Make a difference now.

With a bow

from the WLBC Newsletter, 6 November 2024
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