West London Buddhist Centre

Just when you think

Published on Oct 5th 2024, in Blog

Just when you think…

On my desk (from where I am writing this newsletter right now), there is a greeting card that I picked up somewhere along the way.

The woodblock cut on the front shows a young girl laying on her front beneath a tree, knees bent, feet up in the air, reading a book. The message above the image reads:

Just when you think the story’s done.

and below

you turn the page and another’s begun!

Don’t get stuck in your story. Keep turning your pages.

With a bow

from the WLBC Newsletter, 2 October 2024
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Chances to become more alive and less toxic, more whole and less fragmented: Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress 8-week course starts 26th Jan. Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
