West London Buddhist Centre Blog
Clear skies
A hopeful weather report from Padmasambhava…. “Within the sky-like empty mind, habitual tendencies and disturbing emotions are just like clouds and mist. When they appear, they appear within the expanse…
Rubbing off the sharp edges
There’s nothing like being with other people to help us see ourselves more clearly. Both the smooth and the rough bits (I certainly have plenty of those!). Whether it’s our…
I don’t take your words Merely as words. Far from it. I listen To what makes you talk – Whatever that is – And me listen. — Takahashi Shinkichi (tran…
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What kind of a headline is that? Tis a beautiful example of the wisdom that ‘Sincere words are spoken simply.’* For here we have the mighty comma, a dot and…
What’s the hold up?
A master of the universe? Secretly, that is probably what a lot of us would like to be. Or at least we assume we are the centre of the universe,…
In the waiting room
We spend so much time waiting. What will be the results of the….election, assessment (health, academic, business), peace negotiations, this year’s harvest, how many likes that Instagram post gets? And…
Worm wisdom
The autumnal rains have brought the wriggly beings of our world out in force. No, I am not speaking of particular politicians or global business giants… It is rather the…
Paint something
To Paint the Portrait of a Bird Jacques Prevert First paint a cage with an open door Then paint Something pretty, something simple Something beautiful, Something useful For the bird…