West London Buddhist Centre

Newsletter 04.02.2021: Maturity Expressed in Full Flight

Published on Feb 4th 2021, in News

To access the full version of this newsletter with links to events and more visit: https://mailchi.mp/westlondonbuddhistcentre.com/maturity-expressed-in-full-flight or, sign up to our newsletter to receive these weekly updates using the newsletter sign up form.



The warmest of hellos to you in your respective parts of the world. We hope that you are faring okay however you may be on the scale of ‘good’ to ‘when-will-this-end?’

We have some new events for you today. The team would first like to extend a big thank you to our painters, photographers, craftmakers, and all of you who showed them your support on Friday’s uplifting evening. If you missed it, not to worry as we have a cosy poetry night coming up very soon. It’ll be hosted by Dharmavadana and will feature live readings from published poet Vishvantara and Paramananda. So put the kettle on, sign-in to Zoom and enjoy your 340th night-in in a row with us!


– THIS WEEKEND: Meditation Retreat with Paramananda and Bodhilila

– POETRY EVENING: with Vishvantara, Paramandana and guests, Saturday 20 February

– NEW: Two new Buddhism courses and a weekend retreat in March

Speaking of cosy nights in, when a caterpillar transforms into a moth, cicada or butterly, its entire body liquifies within its cocoon except for what are known as ‘imaginal cells’. These cells are the blueprint for the mature ‘imago’ (thank you Wiki), where they take their name. In these rather inward-facing times our lives as we knew them, like the caterpillar’s, have dissolved into an uncertain soup, but are we to remain unaware of our own capacity for ‘flight’ one day?

We may have our hopes pinned on the externals of science and a momentum of social cooperation to come through for us, but as meditators we develop skill in recognising our own body’s reconfiguring to the impossible ‘new normal’ with every sit. It’s quite amazing that the imaginal is not divorced from embodied being like some juvenile flight of fancy. Instead, we might see it quite literally as an individual’s maturity expressed in full flight.

Our Bodies Break Light retreat starts on Sunday night where the WLBC’s most experienced meditation teachers will treat you to an entire week of poetry, metaphor and meditation rooted in the body. Imagine that…

Wishing you all a pleasant metamorphosis!

Sophie (Publicity) and WLBC Team

Deepen your practice – join us for our Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
