West London Buddhist Centre

Newsletter 14.01.2021: Our Bodies Break Light

Published on Jan 14th 2021, in News

To access the full version with links and events, visit: https://mailchi.mp/westlondonbuddhistcentre.com/our-bodies-break-light



Welcome to this week’s newsletter, especially if you’re a recent subscriber. We have so much on offer – drop-in classes, courses, retreats and special events – so we hope there’s something here which will inspire and encourage your practice.

A big thank you to Yashobodhi and Imma for hosting Looking Beyond, our first event of the year which raised around £1000 for the Precious Jewel Appeal. We’ve also had people raising money for their birthdays, again, thank you so much! Our next fundraising event will be Sangha Lights, an online exhibition in celebration of just some of the many talented visual artists in the WLBC sangha.


Slow Down Friday: Yin Yoga with Norman Blair

Our Bodies Break Light: An Online Meditation Retreat with Paramananda and Bodhilila

Update and New Event: Sangha Lights: An Exhibition by WLBC Artists

The subject of this email, Our Bodies Break Light, is the title of a poem by Traci Birmhall and inspires the upcoming week-long meditation retreat of the same name. The retreat will be the first in a series led by Paramananda and Bodhilila exploring the body, breath and heart as pathways to insight. Let’s leave with a quote from Pema Chodron,

This very body that we have,
That’s sitting here right now…
With it’s aches and pleasures
Is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive.

Wishing you all wellness, joy and peace

Sophie (Publicity) and WLBC Team

ps. Many of you had issues with logging on last week. That was an error on my part and hopefully all has been resolved this week – thank you for your patience. If the links here don’t work, our calendar is the most accurate place to log in from.

Deepen your practice – join us for our Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
