West London Buddhist Centre

Online Retreat: Our Breathing Body

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Online Retreat: Our Breathing Body

Sunday 2 May

Amitabha Buddha Thangka Paintings, 24K Gold Detailing | Golden Buddha



7 pm

Welcome to the retreat.
Paramananda introduces the retreat theme.
Dedication Ceremony led by Bodhilila
108 Amitabha mantras led by Paramananda
Meditation led by Paramananda







Dedication Ceremony


We dedicate this retreat to the Three Jewels:

To the Buddha, the Ideal of Enlightenment to which we aspire;

To the Dharma, the Path of the Teaching which we follow;

To the Sangha, the spiritual fellowship with one another which we enjoy.


Here may no idle word be spoken;

Here may no unquiet thought disturb our minds.


To the observance of the Five Precepts

We dedicate this retreat;

To the practice of meditation

We dedicate this retreat;

To the development of wisdom

We dedicate this retreat;

To the attainment of Enlightenment

We dedicate this retreat.


Though in the world outside there is strife

Here may there be peace;

Though in the world outside there is hate

Here may there be love;

Though in the world outside there is grief

Here may there be joy.


Not by the chanting of the scared scriptures,

Not by the sprinkling of holy water,

But by our own efforts towards Enlightenment

We dedicate this retreat.


Around this Mandala, this sacred spot,

May the lotus petals of purity open;

Around this Mandala, this sacred spot,

May the vajra wall of determination extend;

Around this Mandala, this sacred spot,

May the flames that transmute Samsara into nirvana arise.


Here seated, here practicing,

May our mind become Buddha,

May our thought become Dharma,

May our communication with one another be Sangha.


For the happiness of all beings,

For the benefit of all beings,

With body, speech and mind,

We dedicate this retreat.


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