West London Buddhist Centre

Online Retreat: Our Breathing Body

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Online Retreat: Our Breathing Body

Tuesday 4 May

’Through valuing the breath we begin to value the world, to value life’


Tuesday 8am

Salute to the Three Jewels
Refuges from the Avatamsaka Sutra (for text see Monday 8am)
Unled meditation with bells to mark 5 stages




Late Fragment

And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so?

I did.

And what did you want?

To call myself beloved,

to feel myself beloved on the earth.

Raymond Carver


Tuesday 10.30am


Talk by Bodhilila
Meditation led by Bodhilila (drawing on first Tetrad of the Anapanasati Sutta)
Walking meditation
Green Tara mantra in call and response
Just sitting



Anapanasati Sutta

The meditator, having gone to the forest, to the shade of a tree, or to an empty building, sits down with legs folded crosswise, body held erect, and sets mindfulness to the fore. Always mindful, the meditator breathes in; mindful, the meditator breathes out.

The sixteen contemplations:

First Tetrad (contemplations on the Body)

While breathing in long, one knows: ‘I breathe in long.’ While breathing out long, one knows: ‘I breathe out long.’
While breathing in short, one knows: ‘I breathe in short.’ While breathing out short, one knows: ‘ I breathe out short.’
One trains oneself: ‘Sensitive to the whole body, I breathe in. Sensitive to the whole body, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Calming the whole body, I breathe in. Calming the whole body, I breathe out.’

Second Tetrad (contemplations on Feeling)

One trains oneself: ‘Sensitive to rapture, I breathe in. Sensitive to rapture, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Sensitive to pleasure, I breathe in. Sensitive to pleasure, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Sensitive to mental processes, I breathe in. Sensitive to mental processes, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Calming mental processes, I breathe in. Calming mental processes, I breathe out.’

Third Tetrad (contemplations on Mind)

One trains oneself: ‘Sensitive to the mind, I breathe in. Sensitive to the mind, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Gladdening the mind, I breathe in. Gladdening the mind, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Steadying the mind, I breathe in. Steadying the mind, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Liberating the mind, I breathe in. liberating the mind, I breathe out.’

Fourth Tetrad (contemplations on Wisdom)

One trains oneself: ‘Focusing on impermanence, I breathe in. Focusing on impermanence, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: ‘Focusing on fading away, I breathe in. Focusing on fading away, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: Focusing on cessation, I breathe in. Focusing on cessation, I breathe out.’
One trains oneself: Focusing on letting go, I breathe in. Focusing on letting go I breathe out.’

Green Tara


Tuesday 4pm


Meditation led by Paramananda
Q&A with Bodhilila and Paramananda




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