West London Buddhist Centre

poetics of awakening

Online retreat: Poetics of Awakening

An online meditation retreat led by
Paramananda and Bodhilila

Sunday 25th September – Saturday 1st October 2022

Awake my dear
Be kind to your sleeping heart
Take it out to the vast fields of light and let it breathe
– Rumi

— Click below to access the recordings and readings for each day —

Day 1: Sunday 25th September

Day 2: Monday 26th September

Day 3: Tuesday 27th September

Day 4: Wednesday 28th September

Day 5: Thursday 29th September

Day 6: Friday 30th September

Day 7: Saturday 1st October

See how Buddhist ethics can help you Live with Confidence – 6 Mondays, 7.00-9.30pm starts 24th March.
