West London Buddhist Centre

Online Retreat: The Psychology of Liberation

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Online Retreat: The Psychology of Liberation

Friday 28th August



‘Experiences are

preceded by mind,

led by mind, and

produced by mind.

Dhammapada 1,2

‘Beyond the limits of reason, reality remains

mysterious, as incapable of being approached directly

as a hunter’s quarry. With stories, with art, with

symbols and layers of meaning, we stalk those elusive

aspects of reality that go undreamed of in our

philosophy’ Dark Mountain Project Manifesto


‘Personifying…offers another

avenue of loving, of imagining

things in a personal form so

that we can find access to

them with our hearts…Loving

is a way of knowing and for

loving to know it must

personify.’ James HIllman,

Re-visioning Psychology


To see a World in a grain of sand, 

And a heaven in a wild flower, 

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 

And eternity in an hour. 

W. Blake, Auguries of










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Deepen your practice – join us for our Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
