West London Buddhist Centre

Reflect and Open – Monday

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Day 4 – Monday, 1st January 2024


10.30am-12.30pm (practice/talk)


Ratnadeva talked about the life-hack of paying attention to what we pay attention to. We went on to cultivate stable attention through the ‘concentrative’ mindfulness of breathing meditation as a preparation for the ‘contemplative’ meditation of just sitting. After a short break we did a metta bhavana meditation in which we brought to mind every participant on the retreat. We then concluded by dedication the benefits of this retreat for the good of all beings.

Whatever a monk frequently thinks and ponders upon, that will become the inclination of his mind’ Dvedhavitakka Sutta MN 91, 6, 11

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3.30-5.00pm (optional groups plus closing circle)


After group sharings we came together for individual checking-out. This was followed by a concluding ritual consisting of a recitation of the Refuges from the Jayamangala Gatha.



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