West London Buddhist Centre

Roots in Sky – Wednesday

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Online Retreat: Roots in the Sky

Wednesday 26 January





Salute to the 3 Jewels
Refuge verses from the Avatamsaka Sutra
Teaching from Padmasambhava
Unled meditation with bells to mark 5 stages



‘During the period of meditation, there is not anything: it is simply open.’
from Padmasambhava’s Advice to the Three Fortunate Women


10.30 am


Talk by Paramananda
Led meditation
Lying down with drumming



You do not always know what I am feeling.
Last night in the warm spring air while I was
blazing my tirade against someone who doesn’t
me, it was love for you that set me

and isn’t it odd? for in rooms full of
strangers my most tender feelings
writhe and
bear the fruit of screaming. Put out your hand,
isn’t there
an ashtray, suddenly, there? beside
the bed? And someone you love enters the room
and says wouldn’t
you like the eggs a little

different today?
And when they arrive they are
just plain scrambled eggs and the warm weather
is holding.”
by Frank O’Hara



Q&A/enquiry with Paramananda and Bodhilila
Meditation led by Bodhilila
Padmasambhava mantra



Since merely allowing (thoughts) to settle into their own condition,
without trying to modify them in any way, is sufficient,
How can you say that you are not able to remain in a calm state?
Since allowing (thoughts) to be just as they are,
without trying to do anything about them, is sufficient,
How can you say that you are not able to do anything with regard to them?

from Self Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness (a terma text of Padmsambhava)


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