West London Buddhist Centre


Our Community

The WLBC wishes to be a resource for the local community by offering classes and events that benefit body and mind. In our Studio we offer yoga, qigong and Feldenkrais classes, some at a special community rate. Our cultural events programme is another way in which we hope to connect with and be of benefit to the local community.

A Buddhist word for community is Sangha. In our community (Triratna) the word Sangha is broadly used to refer to all people who practise at the centre and feel connected with other people attending the centre. You do not have to regard yourself as a Buddhist to participate in our Sangha, just come along.  Sangha events are mostly by donation, so do consider supporting the Centre and its work.


See how Buddhist ethics can help you Live with Confidence – 6 Mondays, 7.00-9.30pm starts 24th March.
