West London Buddhist Centre

Jake Birnie

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started practicing yoga 13 years ago whilst studying ballet and contemporary dance. From there, he began a journey of inquiry into the self, and the very nature of existence through the teachings of yoga, the Buddha and more recently Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Jake completed the triyoga 2-year diploma with senior teachers Jeff Phenix and Susannah Hoffman. He has an eclectic personal practice, influenced by the Iyengar, Jivamukti, and Anusara schools amongst others, which contribute to a mindful, flowing and heart-led offering in his classes. Jake has taken further CDP with Leslie Kaminoff and Jason Crandell, as well as teaching yoga to children and young adults with special educational needs. He aims to create a relaxed and playful space in which to nurture and integrate body, heart and mind in order that we may heal and grow both as individuals and as a global community.
Tuesdays: Hatha Flow 6.30-7.45pm
Thursdays: Hatha 6.30-7.45pm

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