West London Buddhist Centre

Karen Liebenguth

Published in Mindfulness Teachers

Karen Liebenguth in park

Karen is an accredited mindfulness teacher and trainer, an accredited life and executive coach. She offers tailored coaching and mindfulness programmes for the workplace.

Specialising in ‘coaching while walking’ in natural settings, Karen helps clients tap into the beneficial impact nature has on our psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing.

She set up Parcival in 2008 to foster personal and professional development, self-leadership and mental resilience.

Karen is an accredited and associate mindfulness teacher/trainer with Breathworks UK, a member of the Association for Coaching and a member of the British Association for Mindfulness Based Approaches (BAMBA).

Karen regularly runs 8-week mindfulness courses for health and stress here at the West London Buddhist Centre as well as for organisational clients.

See how Buddhist ethics can help you Live with Confidence – 6 Mondays, 7.00-9.30pm starts 24th March.
