West London Buddhist Centre

Michelle Beazley

Published in Therapists, Touch Therapies

  • Michelle Beazley: Chiropractic
  • righttrackchiropractic@gmail.com
  • 07477082173
  • Contact Michelle righttrackchiropractic@gmail.com
  • Right Track Chiropractic

Michelle Beazley head shot blue shirt

Michelle graduated with a First Class Masters from the McTimoney College of Chiropractic in Oxfordshire and welcomes all people from all walks of life into her clinic.

Chiropractic is a hands-on therapy that can help regain alignment in the body and/or loosen up joints that feel ‘stuck’, turning dysfunction into function. The aim of Chiropractic is to improve mobility of a joint to get people out of pain and moving better. Any joint in the body can be treated with Chiropractic.

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