West London Buddhist Centre



Only a quiet mind can know itself

– Will Johnson

Some of us may be fortunate enough to sit in meditation or do our bodywork practice without pain or distraction. But for many of us, finding this stillness of mind is not so easy, due to the tensions that we are holding in our body/mind which fragment our attention and restrict our energy. Applying ourselves to the practices will no doubt bear fruit, but we can also seek assistance along the way from those trained in the healing arts. For this reason we have included a Treatment Room at the Centre for both talking and touch therapies, and invite you explore the range of work that is being offered.

All the therapists using the Treatment Room hold the appropriate qualifications, insurance and membership of professional bodies.  We cannot vouch for all therapists personally, but can confirm that to be heard and to be touched are vital human needs. Please note the treatments offered are not part of the WLBC teaching programme and are not necessarily endorsed by the WLBC.

Talking Therapies

Touch Therapies

For more details on the therapies offered, please click the links above, or view the Talking Therapy and Touch Therapy listings.

See how Buddhist ethics can help you Live with Confidence – 6 Mondays, 7.00-9.30pm starts 24th March.
