West London Buddhist Centre

Breathworks at West London

Published on Mar 16th 2016, in News

We are delighted to report that from April 2016 the WLBC and Breathworks are partnering to offer secular mindfulness courses for people with long-term health conditions, chronic pain, and stress. Mindfulness is a way of staying in the moment so we can spend more time aware of ourselves and our surroundings. It’s not about trying to forcibly change things, but instead trying to accept the way things are for better or for worse, and then changing our responses. Our life may still contain a lot of difficulty if we live with pain or illness, for example, but our quality of life can be profoundly transformed. Click here for Breathworks courses at the WLBC. 

Chances to become more alive and less toxic, more whole and less fragmented: Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress 8-week course starts 26th Jan. Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
