West London Buddhist Centre

Dharma Day Festival – **Now Cancelled**

Published in Buddhist Events & Festivals, Calendar for all events, Cultural Event, Sangha Events

  • Sun Jul 21st 2024
  • 10:00 am
  • 4:30 pm
  • Booking not required
  • By donation (suggested £35/£20/£10)

**Please be aware that due to flood issues at the Centre, this event is now cancelled**


Passing on the Flame: from Deer Park to Porchester Road

Come and celebrate the lighting of the flame of the Dharma in the Deer Park at Sarnath 2500 years ago, when the Buddha first shared the path to the freedom of Awakening.

After meditating on the nature of reality, we will hear a talk from Ratnaprabha – a much loved Triratna teacher and author – who will share with us his understanding of that important first transmission of Dharma with the power of story.

Amlanadhi, Maitripushpa and Amalavajra will then share the serious challenges that face the WLBC’s efforts to keep passing on this flame. They will present their Survive and Thrive plan to ensure the Centre can be a source of goodness and transformation for generations to come.

After lunch we’ll host a Sangha Council. This will be a “sleeves rolled up” session where you are invited to respond to the plan, and offer your skills and energy. Please come if you care and would like to be involved.

We’ll conclude with a puja and Mitra ceremony for Laura Darwish.


10.00 Doors open
10.30 Insight meditation
11.15 Talk from Ratnaprabha
12.00 Tea break
12.20 Passing on the Flame: from Deer Park to Porchester Road: Amlanadhi, Maitripushpa and Amalavajra on the future of the WLBC
13.00 Lunch
1400 WLBC ‘Sangha Council’: You’re invited to a creative gathering to resource and empower the Centre
1530 Puja and Mitra Ceremony for Laura Darwish
1630 Close


Amalavajra (l) and Amlanadhi (r)

Revive and recharge yourself as we move into autumn/winter. Go on retreat 1-3 November. More info here. Book here.
