West London Buddhist Centre

Untangling the Mind: A course on Buddhist conditionality

Published in Buddhist Courses, Calendar for all events

  • Mon Nov 20th 2023
  • 7:00 pm
  • 9:30 pm
  • Booking required
  • £170 / £90

Note: this course runs Mondays, 7.00-9.30 from 6 November – 18 December but no class on 27 November

All the Buddha’s teachings flow from his greatest discovery, the law of conditionality, sometimes described as ‘dependent origination’. The Four Noble Truths, the Wheel of Life, the Middle-way, Nirvana and the law of karma all follow from this central principle.

Over the six weeks of the course, we will delve into the ramifications of dependent origination in order to penetrate this teaching that is ‘profound, hard to understand, peaceful and sublime’. We will explore how it can point the way towards ending the rounds of human suffering and rebirth, whether that be from moment to moment or over lifetimes.

‘It is through not understanding, not penetrating this doctrine that this generation has become like a tangled ball of string…tangled like coarse grass, unable to pass beyond states of woe’

Week 1: Introduction: ‘The Great Renunciant’s Teaching’
Week 2: The Rub: Suffering Mind
Week 3: Bound for freedom: Conditions for liberation
Week 4: The Ways of the World: The marks of existence
Week 5: Brimming with emptiness: No-thingness and the Heart Sutra
Week 6: Born of our actions: Ethics and karma

We want to make our events accessible to everyone regardless of income. With this in view please contact the Centre at info@westlondonbuddhistcentre.com if you want to attend and cannot afford the fee.


The easiest way to book is online - just click the button below.

Please make sure you have read all the details of the event, have made sure you are eligible to attend (eg for 'going deeper' events) and are willing to make any commitments that are required.

Bookings are fully refundable up to 7 days in advance. After that we cannot usually offer refunds.

Book Online

You can also book in person at the Centre, or by sending a cheque payable to West London Buddhist Centre along with your name, email and phone number and the name and date of the event to:

The West London Buddhist Centre,

45a Porchester Rd,

London W2 5DP

Please include your name, email and phone number with your booking.

Revive and recharge yourself as we move into autumn/winter. Go on retreat 1-3 November. More info here. Book here.
