West London Buddhist Centre

Online Retreat: There is a Field

Published in Uncategorized

 Day 2


Resources for Day 2:

’The breath is what keeps our practice embodied’


Monday 8am

Welcome to Day 2
Rumi Poem
40 min unled meditation with bells marking 5 stages.





Monday 10am

Approx timings
Talk by Paramananda
 led meditation (25 mins in)
 lying down with drumming and Vajrasattva mantra (1 hr 13 mins)
 sitting meditation (1 hr 25 mins)


Ditty of First Desire

In the green morning
I wanted to be a heart.
A heart.

And in the ripe evening
I wanted to be a nightingale.
A nightingale.

turn orange-colored.
turn the colour of love.)

In the vivid morning
I wanted to be myself.
A heart.

And at the evening’s end
I wanted to be my voice.
A nightingale.

turn orange-colored.
turn the colour of love.

Federico García Lorca


Monday 4pm (pt.1)

Meditation led by Paramananda




Monday 4pm -2

Q & A session with Paramananda and Bodhilila.





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Deepen your life, deepen your meditation over 8 Mondays: Journey and the Guide course starts 13th Jan. Book here. More info here.
