West London Buddhist Centre

Mandala of the Heart – Wednesday

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Online Retreat: Mandala of the Heart

Wednesday 28 July


Tibetan Buddhist monks dismantle a mandala at Asia Society Texas Center Sunday

‘On the whole we choose not to fully take in the fact that we are impermanent’




Saluting the 3 Jewels
Unled 45 min meditation with bells to mark 5 stages



The moon reflected
In a mind clear
As still water:
Even the waves, breaking,
Are reflecting its light.


Devotion to Amitābha | Red Zambala



10.30 am

Talk by Paramananda
Amitabha mantra
Laying down with drumming
Led sitting meditation




Song of The Seven Hearted Boy by Lorca

Seven hearts
are the hearts that I have.
But mine is not there among them.

In the high mountains, mother,
where I sometimes ran into the wind,
seven girls with long hands
carried me around in their mirrors.

I have sung my way through this world
with my mouth with its seven petals.
My crimson colour galleys
have cast off without rigging or oars.

I have lived my life in landscapes
that other men have owned.
And the secrets I wore at my throat,
unbeknownst to me, have come open.

In the high mountains, mother,
where my heart rises over its echoes
in the memory book of a star,
I sometimes ran into the wind.

Seven hearts
are the hearts that I have.
But mine is not there among them.
Federico García Lorca



Sevenfold Puja in call and response led by Bodhilila and Paramananda




Ditty of First Desire

In the green morning
I wanted to be a heart.
A heart.

And in the ripe evening
I wanted to be a nightingale.
A nightingale.

turn orange-colored.
turn the colour of love.)

In the vivid morning
I wanted to be myself.
A heart.

And at the evening’s end
I wanted to be my voice.
A nightingale.

turn orange-colored.
turn the colour of love.

Federico García Lorca



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Revive and recharge yourself as we move into autumn/winter. Go on retreat 1-3 November. More info here. Book here.
