West London Buddhist Centre

Online Retreat: Our Bodies Break Light

Published in Uncategorized

 Day 2

Image result for hand michelangelo sketches

 ‘There is no inside or outside, there’s just the world and we are part of the world.’




Resources for Day 2:


Monday 8am

Welcome to Day 2
Salute to the Three Jewels
45 min unled meditation – open sit with bells at the beginning and the end.




I would love to live
Like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise
Of its own unfolding.
John O’Donohue
Monday 10.30am

Overland to the Islands

Let’s go — much as that dog goes,
intently haphazard. The
Mexican light on a day that
“smells like autumn in Connecticut”
makes iris ripples on his
black gleaming fur — and that too
is as one would desire — a radiance
consorting with the dance.
Under his feet
rock and mud, his imagination, sniffing,
engaged in its perceptions — dancing
edgeways, there’s nothing
the dog disdains on his way,
nevertheless he
keeps moving, changing
pace and approach but
not direction — “every step an arrival.”
Denise Levertov


Monday 4 pm
Meditation led by Bodhilila

Q & A with Paramananda and Bodhilila





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