Drop-in Classes
We are offering a number of classes in-person and online. Classes are suitable for those wishing to learn how to meditate as well as those who would like the support of meditating with others and the possibility of talking with a teacher after the class. Take a look at our courses page if you are interested in attending classes with a longer running, more structured itinerary.
Open to all
Saturday Morning Meditation (in-person) Saturdays 10.30am-12.30pm
People of Colour Meditation Space Online 2nd Sunday of the month (10.00-11.30am)
Friday Devotional Evening monthly (7.00-9.30pm) check calendar
For those who have learnt to meditate
Morning Meditation Online Monday – Friday 7.00-7.50am
Silent afternoon Meditation Saturdays 1.00-4.00pm check calendar
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Friday devotional evening
West London Buddhist Centre Royal Oak House, 45A Porchester Rd, LondonOpen your heart on these devotional evenings of meditation, chanting and rituals.
Saturday Morning Meditation
West London Buddhist Centre Royal Oak House, 45A Porchester Rd, LondonGet your weekend off to a great start with a morning of calming and grounding meditation. Each session will include both a led and unled meditation along with teaching input and opportunities for Q & A and experiential learning.
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Tuesday night meditation
West London Buddhist Centre Royal Oak House, 45A Porchester Rd, LondonDevelop foundations for a regular meditation practice and deepen your awareness through guided practices.
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Saturday Morning Meditation
West London Buddhist Centre Royal Oak House, 45A Porchester Rd, LondonGet your weekend off to a great start with a morning of calming and grounding meditation. Each session will include both a led and unled meditation along with teaching input and opportunities for Q & A and experiential learning.
Silent afternoon meditation
West London Buddhist Centre Royal Oak House, 45A Porchester Rd, LondonSilent unled afternoon meditation - a mini-retreat on Saturdays in West London, for those who already meditate
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.
Tuesday night meditation
West London Buddhist Centre Royal Oak House, 45A Porchester Rd, LondonDevelop foundations for a regular meditation practice and deepen your awareness through guided practices.
Online Morning Meditation
OnlineA silent early morning online meditation between 7and 8am on weekdays.