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Newsletter 28.01.2021: 100,000 Verses of Silence
To access the full version with links to events and more, please visit: Dear Friends, As we may be all too aware, the UK crossed a heartbreaking threshold…
Newsletter 21.01.2021: When Politics Stopped for Poetry
To access the full version with links, events and more visit: “We’ve braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace. In the norms…
Newsletter 14.01.2021: Our Bodies Break Light
To access the full version with links and events, visit: Greetings, Welcome to this week’s newsletter, especially if you’re a recent subscriber. We have so much on offer…
Newsletter 7.1.2021 – Architecture of Potential
This newsletter was published on 07.01.2021. Follow the link to access it in full and view the links: Hello everybody, The seasonal sentiment of ‘New Year, New You’…
Why I’m an Optimist
I have felt jubilant these past weeks on hearing the news of successful vaccines. Then, this week, on ‘V-Day’, I felt joyfully moved listening to the news report about Margaret…
Bodhilia’s Notes – Sangha
I’ve been reflecting a lot on sangha this week, not surprising given that it was recently Sangha Day, one of the major Buddhist Festivals celebrated by Buddhists around the world….
Alone with Others – Paramananda
Meditating on Zoom Sitting alone in my front room in front of a rectangle of light with others sitting alone in their homes A gathering of sorts feeling a sense…
The Precious Jewel Appeal
Keep the West London Buddhist Centre Shining Dear West London Sangha Member, We hope you are well and keeping safe. Difficult and potentially isolating times like these show more than…