West London Buddhist Centre

Newsletter 18.02.2021: Endings and beginnings

Published on Feb 19th 2021, in News

To access the full version of this newsletter with links to events and more click on: https://mailchi.mp/westlondonbuddhistcentre.com/endings-and-beginnings or, sign up to receive these weekly updates using the newsletter sign up form.


Dear All,

Sometimes when writing these one can gauge the collective mood but sometimes, like today, it feels like that mood is more dispersed. It’s so hard to know where people are at as we live another week of lockdown and anticipate, in England at least, more news on 22 February. For many of you, perhaps it’ll make zero difference to the lives you lead or the feelings you hold. And yet in amongst it all, driven neither by dates nor data, those sweet daffodils emerge from the snow.

After such a year, Sunday’s Parinirvana Day seems like such an important pivot point to come together as a community. It’s a day that not only marks the historical Buddha’s death but is a chance to reflect on impermanence – both endings and beginnings. It was a time when stewardship of the teachings was passed on to our own practice. So, it is with great delight that we take this chance to wholeheartedly embrace Amanda C, Amanda R, Evie, Imma, Jenny, John and Patricia’s orientation to these ideals in this particular context. Pioneers of the online ceremony, let’s make it memorable!



– SUNDAY: Mitra Ceremonies and programme available for Parinirvana Day

– SATURDAY: Sangha Voices: An Evening of Poetry with Vishvantara and Paramananda

– FRIDAY: Yin Yoga with Norman Blair

– BLOG: New Meditation Fundamentals Series with Vajradaka


Many of you will know Paramananda who is much loved for his use of poetry to support meditation. On Saturday he will be sharing some of his own writing alongside our very special guest, Vishvantara, twice commended in the National Poetry competition and winner of the Poetry London competition.

So much on, so much vibrancy! Well friends, whatever you decide to do this weekend, take heart in your endings and be wholehearted in your beginnings…


Until next week,

Sophie (Publicity) and WLBC Team

Deepen your practice – join us for our Weekend retreat 7-9 March.
