West London Buddhist Centre

About Us

Resources at the Centre

 Our Library

The library contains numerous books from a variety of authors within the Triratna Community, as well as books from other Buddhist traditions.

There are also audio and video recordings of Sangharakshita, Kamalashila and other Order Members. For online versions, visit freebuddhistaudio.com.

To borrow from the library please talk to an Order member or one of the support team who will be glad to assist you.

Our Bookshop

Our bookshop stocks a big variety of books on meditation and Buddhism. Purchasing your books from the our bookshop helps to support the Centre. We also stock CDs, DVDs and children’s books, as well as Buddhist statues and artwork, incense, cards, and meditation cushions. If you are interested in any of the titles below and want to see if they are in stock, then you can ring the office, email us, or just drop by!

By Order Members associated with our Centre:

  • Finding the Mind by Ratnaprabha
  • Meditation by Jinananda
  • Change your Mind, and A Deeper Beauty by Paramananda
  • Warrior of Peace: The Life of the Buddha and The Hundred Minute Buddha by Jinananda
  • The Art of Meditation: The Body by Paramananda
  • Meditation: Tranquility Imagination and Insight by Kamalashila

By Sangharakshita:

  • Moving against the stream
  • Through Buddhist Eyes
  • In the Sign of the Golden Wheel
  • Creative Symbols of Tantric Buddhism
  • Bringing Buddhism to the West
  • A Survey of Buddhism
  • The Priceless Jewel
  • What is the Buddha?
  • What is the Dharma?
  • What is the Sangha?
  • The Three Jewels
  • Wisdom beyond words
  • Vision and Transformation
  • The Drama of Cosmic Enlightenment
  • Ritual and devotion in Buddhism

From Other Buddhist Traditions:

  • Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Suzuki
  • The Tibetan book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche
  • Voices of Insight by Sharon Salzberg
  • Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness by Sharon Salzberg
  • Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

… and hundreds of other titles.

We are closed due to flooding. Please help us through this crisis. Set up a standing order or make a one-off donation here.
