West London Buddhist Centre

About Us

One of the great teachings of the pandemic is how we can still stay connected for practice, whether in person or online. Although WLBC is now open for classes, courses and coming together, we still offer a range of practice and connection opportunities online.

As Bodhilila, Chair of WLBC, writes:

The West London Buddhist Centre is not just the physical building, however beautiful it may be. The heart of the centre is the network of people that make up our community; together we create a shared context for spiritual practice, together we create sangha.


Please sign up to the WLBC newsletter for weekly class updates. All log-in details are listed below. If you have any questions, email teaching@westlondonbuddhistcentre.com with the class you want to attend in the subject line and the event host will get back to you.

Courses & Retreats

If you’re looking to book on a course, workshop or retreat please visit the individual event site using the calendar.

Regular Events

Morning Meditation Online

Monday to Friday, 7am

These silent meditation will be for 40 mins and unled but with bells rung to mark either 4 or 5 stages for those wishing to follow a structured practice.

By donation via Pay Pal or if you prefer, you can find our bank details here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 827 6458 5181
Passcode: 286009


People of Colour Meditation Space

Monthly second Sunday 10.00-11.30am

Come together as a community to alleviate our own suffering and the suffering of all peoples. The Buddha taught compassion and wisdom, helping us act to effect positive change.

In this weekly online class we’ll be gathering to meditate, discuss the Buddhist vision and perform some simple ritual. This is a joint initiative with London Buddhist Centre.

The Zoom link will be the same each week:

By Donation.


Buddhism in the City Online

led by Yashobodhi

Zoom meeting link

The class will cover a range of topics focused on practising the Dharma in the modern urban setting and is aimed at people who already meditate and have a basic knowledge of Buddhism. Yashobodhi is inviting people to email her on yb@yashobodhi.org if they have suggestions for themes.

For regulars and those who have learnt to meditate. By Donation.




Using Zoom

Click here to install the Zoom app or programme on your device before joining the classes. One of our teachers has kindly put together these tips to get the most of your ‘online experience’.

Before the meeting:

1. Have a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of the session (by friends, relatives or pets!)

2. Ideally use a laptop, desktop or tablet computer, rather than a phone, and have it running off the mains rather than battery. If a phone is the only option, have the charger nearby ready to plug in. Whatever you use will need internet access, a video camera and microphone.

3. Have everything you need nearby, in the room, including what you need for sitting, lying and movement practice and a pen and paper (or the electronic equivalent) to take notes.


During the Meeting

1. Please close other programmes and windows (e.g. internet browsers) on your device, both because it will likely run better and also because other windows can be distracting from the teaching.

2. Please mute your microphone if you’re not speaking, by clicking on the microphone picture on the toolbar at the bottom of the Zoom window, unless you are speaking (this minimises noise in the system).

3. Please only use the text chat feature to direct questions to the teacher (rather than each other), unless you are pairs or a small group. NB: Ideally, questions will be raised verbally.

4. You might want to experiment moving between ‘speaker’ and ‘gallery’ view, by using the relevant icon in the top right hand corner of the Zoom window. If a training is talking the former may be more helpful, whereas if it is a group discussion, you might find the latter better.

5. Please do not record the meeting without agreement from everyone present.

6. If your Zoom connection drops, please try rejoining using the same process and link that you used to join the meeting in the first place.



And if you would like to access other teachers, here are just a few recommendations:

Free Buddhist Audio
Triratna’s archive of talks, guided meditations and study materials.

Breathworks: Mindful Self-care for Troubling Times
A free online course from our partner organisation based in Manchester who developed the secular Mindfulness for Stress and Mindfulness for Health courses we run at the Centre.

Buddhist Centre Online: Dharma Toolkit for Uncertain Times
Free podcasts and live meditations twice a day Monday to Friday.

Windhorse Publications
Free monthly e-books when you sign-up to their newsletter, 10% off book orders on account and free shipping on all orders for the next few months.

A global community focused on mindful and compassionate living providing online meditations since 2001 now has an app and online courses:

Insight Timer
A huge resource of free guided meditations, courses, talks and music, as well as meditation bells for self-practice.


Develop the tools to manage whatever your body throws at you. Breathworks Mindfulness for Health 8-week course, starts 1 April. Book here.
