West London Buddhist Centre

Mindfulness for Stress Course (online)

Published in Buddhist Courses, Calendar for all events, Meditation Courses, Mindfulness Courses

  • Tue Dec 5th 2023
  • 7:00 pm
  • 9:00 pm
  • Booking required
  • £250 / £180 / bursaries

Hear what the course can offer you

This course runs 24th October – 12th December.

The Breathwork’s Mindfulness for Stress course has been running for decades and helped thousands of people to reduce stress and to increase the quality of their lives. During the course, you will learn mindfulness skills to cope with and reduce your stress and anxiety. You will gain tools that will help you to develop emotional resilience and to increase your experience of happiness, calm and well-being. You will also receive practical resources to use after the course has finished (e.g. recordings of guided meditations) with free, lifelong access to Breathwork’s online Community of Practice.

Who is the course for?
Anyone suffering from stress associated with work, family, relationships, loss, anxiety and the challenges of everyday life.If you are currently suffering from clinical depression or going through a recent bereavement we wouldn’t recommend doing the course at this time. (The course is not a substitute for medical intervention or professional counselling but in many cases, can be taken alongside them). If it is decided that the course is not suitable at this stage a full refund will be offered.

What will I learn?
Meditation skills and a range of meditation practices that will help you reduce stress, relax and to feel grounded and calm.
Mindfulness skills that you can apply to your daily life, increasing your emotional resilience and your ability to deal with the difficulties and stresses of life.
Self-compassion skills that will help you to develop more kindness and compassion towards yourself and apply this in your life through increased self-care.
Ways to respond creatively to situations instead of reacting from unhelpful habitual patterns.
– How to counter your negativity bias.
Ways to live more in the present moment and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
– How to increase your concentration and become more focused.
A bigger perspective and more spaciousness in your life.
– The many health and well-being benefits of mindfulness.

About the course
The weekly course sessions will include guided meditations and in-depth teaching on mindfulness principles, practices and techniques. The approach will be experiential, with opportunities for questions and group discussions within a supportive space. The course is led by an experienced and accredited mindfulness teacher with many years of experience teaching the Breathwork’s Mindfulness for Stress course, both in person and online. The course will be held online.

One of the benefits of the Mindfulness for Stress course is having a supportive and friendly peer group sharing the journey alongside you and this creates opportunities to learn from each other as well as the course leader. In order to create a supportive learning space, we keep the number of course participants no more than 15.
The course includes home practice with the recommendation to do 20 minutes of meditation each day. You will have access to recordings of guided meditations and other resources linked to the course material which you can download. The course leader will also send a weekly email after each session with key learning points and any additional resources which you can access online.

Karen Liebenguth

Your teacher
The course will be led by Karen Liebenguth, an experienced and accredited Breathwork’s teacher, supervisor and trainer.
She is also an accredited life and leadership coach, a coaching mentor and facilitator. Karen has many years of experience
teaching the Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress and Health courses, including at the WLBC. She is a member of the British Association for Mindfulness Based Approaches (BAMBA).

To book a place on the course please do so via the TicketTailor link below (Book online). Once you have booked on the course, final confirmation will be subject to completion of a short questionnaire and an informal discussion with the course leader about the course’s suitability for you at this time. This will help you and the course leader explore how best to support your process over the 8 weeks.

If you cannot pay the concessionary rate, a limited number of reduced price bursaries are available. Please fill out this request form and we will contact you.

A refund is available if you cancel up to 7 days before the course begins. Please note that the TicketTailor fee (absorbed in the ticket price) is non-refundable.

If you have any questions about the course or booking process please contact the West London Buddhist Centre: mindfulness@westlondonbuddhistcentre.com


The easiest way to book is online - just click the button below.

Please make sure you have read all the details of the event, have made sure you are eligible to attend (eg for 'going deeper' events) and are willing to make any commitments that are required.

Bookings are fully refundable up to 7 days in advance. After that we cannot usually offer refunds.

Book Online

You can also book in person at the Centre, or by sending a cheque payable to West London Buddhist Centre along with your name, email and phone number and the name and date of the event to:

The West London Buddhist Centre,

45a Porchester Rd,

London W2 5DP

Please include your name, email and phone number with your booking.

Revive and recharge yourself as we move into autumn/winter. Go on retreat 1-3 November. More info here. Book here.
