West London Buddhist Centre

About Us

Our Teachers

You can find details on the Buddhist teachers at the centre below in random order. This order changes every time you access this page. We also host sessions run by therapists and other teachers from outside the Centre. You can find out about them by visiting the Therapists and Mindfulness Teachers pages.

  • Maitripushpa with stone dragon


    friendly flower

    Maitripushpa has been practising with Triratna since 1999 following years with the Soto Zen community and was ordained in 2007. She is a self-acknowledged ‘meditation geek’ and closet Buddhist scholar….

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  • Andy Psyllides head shot

    Andy Psyllides

    Andy Psyllides has been the Centre Coordinator at the WLBC since summer 2023. A GFR mitra who’s been practising with Triratna since 2017 as part of the Brixton sangha, Andy…

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  • Mitrananda


    He delights in his friends

    Mitrananda has practised as a Buddhist for 30 years. In 1999, he was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order and given his Buddhist name. During his career as a psychiatrist, he…

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  • Dharmavadana


    He who speaks truth

    Dharmavadana has been active with the West London Buddhist Centre since 1991, supporting and teaching classes, and for many years leading the Centre’s outreach meditation group in Ealing. He has…

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  • Sudurjaya

    She whom it is difficult for Mara to conquer

    Sudurjaya has been involved in Triratna in London for more than 30 years and was ordained in 2000. Originally from Australia, she has worked as an artist, mother and teacher….

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  • Nandaraja


    He who is the king of happiness

    Nandaraja is passionate about meditation and has been practising for many years. He has a strong affinity for the Brahma Viharas and is also an experienced Aikido practitioner. Nandaraja is…

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  • Subhadassi


    The one who perceives/discovers the beautiful

    A freelance writer, teacher and facilitator, Subhadassi has been involved in a range of Triratna projects over many years. From study and urban centres to his current role as Ethics…

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  • Paramananda


    Unexcelled bliss

    Paramananda is a well known and widely respected meditation teacher, leading classes and retreats both in the UK and internationally.  Ordained in 1985, he is the author of several popular books about meditation and Buddhist practice,…

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  • Tarakarunya

    Tara’s wisdom and compassion

    31st August 1958-2 August 2024 Tarakarunya was ordained in 2001. She became an anagarika in 2004 by taking an extra vow of celibacy. Tarakarunya was an inspired artist, painting mainly…

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  • Kalyanavaca


    I have been practising meditation for over 40 years and am a fully accredited Breathworks teacher, specialising in Mindfulness for Health courses. I am inspired by how these simple teachings…

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  • Bodhilila


    The play of awakening

    Bodhilila has been meditating and practising mindfulness since the 1990s. She is a fully accredited Breathworks mindfulness trainer as well as a qualified counsellor, teacher and massage therapist. She worked…

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  • Viryanaga


    Viryanaga is currently part of the Leadership Team who are looking after the WLBC while our chair Bodhilila is on leave. After some time in academia, he has worked in…

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  • Vishvantara


    Vishvantara has been reading and writing poetry since childhood and her debut pamphlet Cursive was published by HappenStance Press in 2015. Twice commended in the National Poetry Competition, she has…

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  • Sahananda

    Delighting in common enterprise

    Sahananda has meditated and practised Buddhism most of his adult life, and has been ordained since 1992.  He moved to West London from Manchester in 1985 and has been involved…

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  • Ratnaprabha


    The shining of the jewel

    Ratnaprahba has been teaching and writing on Buddhism and meditation since his 1982 ordination to the Triratna Buddhist Order. He has lectured on Buddhism and related topics in Scandinavia, Spain…

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Revive and recharge yourself as we move into autumn/winter. Go on retreat 1-3 November. More info here. Book here.
