West London Buddhist Centre

About Us

Our Teachers

You can find details on the Buddhist teachers at the centre below in random order. This order changes every time you access this page. We also host sessions run by therapists and other teachers from outside the Centre. You can find out about them by visiting the Therapists and Mindfulness Teachers pages.

  • Paramananda


    Unexcelled bliss

    Paramananda is a well known and widely respected meditation teacher, leading classes and retreats both in the UK and internationally.  Ordained in 1985, he is the author of several popular books about meditation and Buddhist practice,…

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  • Amlanadhi


    She whose wisdom is bright and unclouded

    Amlanadhi was ordained in 2011 whilst working at Windhorse Trading, a Buddhist ‘right livelihood’ business, in Cambridge.  She helps out at the Centre and loves the opportunity to build Sangha…

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  • Subhadassi


    The one who perceives/discovers the beautiful

    A freelance writer, teacher and facilitator, Subhadassi has been involved in a range of Triratna projects over many years. From study and urban centres to his current role as Ethics…

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  • Ratnaprabha


    The shining of the jewel

    Ratnaprahba has been teaching and writing on Buddhism and meditation since his 1982 ordination to the Triratna Buddhist Order. He has lectured on Buddhism and related topics in Scandinavia, Spain…

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  • Dharmavadana


    He who speaks truth

    Dharmavadana has been active with the West London Buddhist Centre since 1991, supporting and teaching classes, and for many years leading the Centre’s outreach meditation group in Ealing. He has…

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  • Yashobodhi

    She whose awakening is beautiful

    Yashobodhi (Lucia van der Drift) is involved in teaching and befriending in our sangha. She is one of the leaders of the Buddhism in the City class on Saturday mornings….

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  • Amalavajra


    Pure, shining diamond or thunderbolt

    Amalavajra brings a wealth of life and Triratna right livelihood experience to the WLBC. After a short stint in his mid-20s as a bond dealer in the City of London,…

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  • Bodhilila


    The play of awakening

    Bodhilila has been meditating and practising mindfulness since the 1990s. She is a fully accredited Breathworks mindfulness trainer as well as a qualified counsellor, teacher and massage therapist. She worked…

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  • Maitrikumara


    Maitrikumara (‘prince of kindness’) is part of our Saturday meditation team and teaches on courses. He is based at the London Buddhist Centre.

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  • Maitripushpa with stone dragon


    friendly flower

    Maitripushpa has been practising with Triratna since 1999 following years with the Soto Zen community and was ordained in 2007. She is a self-acknowledged ‘meditation geek’ and closet Buddhist scholar….

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